Objectives of the educational program |
Objectives of the educational program 1-Graduating specialized cadres in the field of water resources and environmental engineering to support academic institutions and various executive bodies.
2- Attracting and encouraging top students in the specializations of water resources engineering and environmental engineering to complete their postgraduate studies to prepare a solid scientific cadre capable of contributing to planning to open future horizons for Al-Qasim Green University.
3- Working to enhance the university's scientific status and accomplish applied research that would serve the community and solve the problems of water pollution and scarcity.
4- Working to crystallize and deepen the correct inheritance between theoretical and applied sciences.
5- Planning and serious endeavor to work on developing appropriate and effective solutions to the problems expected to occur in the future.
6- Providing technical and material methods that ensure the practice of faculty members' activities and scientific research.
7- Focusing and guiding students to choose the best means to expand their activities and apply their scientific and professional specializations within the country's needs and orientations.
8-Enhance communication with the various government departments and institutions by providing scientific and technical services and consultations according to their needs and working seriously to determine the topics of scientific theses, including linking the research to development requirements and developing appropriate solutions to the scientific and engineering problems facing society. These are determined after agreement on them and announcing them to students at an appropriate time by the university.