Sustainable Management Department

Master's Program in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering : Study specialization The general specialization of the master's program is (Engineering Water Resources and Environment), and this general specialization is divided into two sub-specialties: - (Environmental Engineering) and (Water Resources Engineering). The student is given the exact specialization according to the student’s specialization in his primary university studies and the optional courses that the master’s student will study in the preparatory year in addition to the subject of the thesis. Purpose of the study.
The graduate program aims to achieve the following:
1- Graduating specialized staffs in the field of water resources and environment engineering to support academic institutions and various executive organizations.
2- Attracting and encouraging top students in the majors of water resources engineering and environmental engineering to complete their higher university studies to create a solid scientific staff capable of contributing to planning and to open future horizons for Al-Qasim Green University.
3- To enhance the scientific status of the university and carry out applied research that will serve the community and solve the problems of pollution and water scarcity.
4- Working on crystallizing and deepening the correct inheritance between theoretical and applied sciences.
5- Planning and striving hard to work out appropriate and effective solutions to the problems expected to occur in the future.
6- Providing technical and material methods that ensure the practice of the activities of faculty members and scientific research.
7- Focus and guide students on choosing the best means to expand their activities and apply their scientific and professional specializations within the country's needs and directions.
8- Deepening communication with the state’s departments and its various institutions by providing services and scientific and technical consultations according to their need for them and working seriously on defining the topics of scientific theses, including the link of research with development requirements and developing appropriate solutions to the scientific and engineering problems facing the community, and they are determined after agreeing with them and announcing them to the students at an appropriate time by the university.
Reasons for creating the study :
A: The labor market needs to provide it with a good specialized staff working to manage water resources and preserve them from pollution and waste.
B: Contribute to the development of studies in the field of water resources and environment engineering and openness to the world.
C: Contribute headed for solving the technical problems facing the water resources sector.